Artificer x Challenge Taiwan 2024 Balance Mineral Patch Appears Once Again

On a journey that challenges your limits, maintaining physical and mental balance is the vital key. That's why we are excited to once again present our "Challenge Triathlon Co-branded Balance Patches" for the 2024 triathlon competition in collaboration with Challenge Taiwan.

Our limited edition patches have received high praises from Challenge Taiwan athletes in recent years and this year's version is no exception. Combining triathlete-inspired images and elements with the relaxing and soothing effects of our patches, we hope to help triathletes maintain their focus and balance as they take on this incredible challenge.

Swimming, cycling and running icons symbolize the mettle and resilience of triathletes. Using balance patches helps maintain stability, soothe tired legs to continue to meet the challenge!

▌Balance Mineral Patch - drug-free soothing, to meet any challenge

Artificer's Balance Mineral Patch is known for its 100% drug-free soothing properties, and its proprietary natural mineral ingredients contain a variety of elements beneficial to the human body.
These elements can stabilize bioelectric currents, release far-infrared emissions, and effectively relieve muscle fatigue, tension and discomfort without worrying about the potential risk of any harmful substances to the body.

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For triathletes, these balance patches represent a more focused pursuit of goals and dreams, peace of mind to maintain physical and mental balance and health, and effective recovery from the fatigue of training and competition. Whether you are a triathlete challenging your limits or an individual pursuing a perfect life, balance point will become an indispensable companion in your journeys in life.

▶︎ More about Balance Mineral Patches

▌Shine in Every Challenge- Shine in every challenge

The theme of this year's triathlon is "Shine in Every Challenge", which is not only a tribute to personal achievements but also to the spirit of a triathlete. We admire the dedication and perseverance of triathletes who strive to strike a balance in training, work, and life. They face every challenge with a strong will and an enigmatic radiance, while pursuing a better version of themselves.

No matter the ranking in the race, when competitors work hard to take each step, persist in pursuing their goals, persevere in preparation, and challenge their limits in the competition, they are all admirable Iron-athletes! We are honored once again in their journey to success this weekend!