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Triathlete Spirit, True Artificer

Behind every completed race lies extraordinary tenacity and perseverance.

Challenge Taiwan 2022 is the tenth event held by the CT team in Taiwan. From the first hundred people participating to now becoming the benchmark for triathlon events. The CT team carefully listens to the advice of all participants every year, reviews and along with the accumulated ten years of experience, continue to improve each and every detail of each event. These actions are to ensure that all contestants big and small, can safely pursue their goals and challenge their limits. All the while, enjoying every minute of the experience and embracing the unforgettable feeling after the completion of the race.

This is what the Artificer team has observed in recent years when cooperating with CT and participating in events as on-site sponsors. In our eyes, whether it is the organizer team or the participants, everyone is a genuine Artificer!


The theme of CHALLENGE TAIWAN this year was Always Better Together. This year’s theme promotes triathlon as not just a one-person competition, but a group of people with common beliefs who face difficult challenges together with care, companionship, and encouragement, who emanates and radiates the triathlete spirit. The idea is to let more people know about this precious experience of triathlons that is shared by you, me and others.

2022 was an unprecedented CHALLENGE Event

Affected by the sudden disruption of the Covid pandemic prior to this year's event. The organizing team lost nearly 200 volunteers and nearly half of the scheduled staff, resulting in a significant reduction and shortage of human resources.

 The day before the race, due to a heavy downpour in the middle of the night, the finish line area and transfer stations were in a state of disaster. The Arches of the finish line were toppled by strong winds. In addition, many supplies were flooded and soaked from the downpour. The staff and many enthusiastic volunteers waded through the dark in the middle of the night to support, repair and restore. Everyone was busy working in the rain and no one complained. Everyone worked together to restore the venue as soon as possible. The next day the event was able to be hosted. It was all thanks to all the hard work and helping hands.

On 4/23 even though it was a dry day with the sun shining through. The sweltering humidity of this day persisted after the heavy rain from the night before. Coupled with the very hot temperature, even the many participating sponsors and cheering family members were overwhelmed. For the participants, this greatly increased the difficulty of completing the race. Many senior CT competitors told us that the hot weather conditions during this event were really uncomfortable, and the idea of giving up during the event did come to mind, but they still chose to fight until the last moment.

 The sudden reduction of volunteers due to the impact of the pandemic coupled with the extreme weather changes, this year’s competition was indeed a “challenge” worthy of the name of the event. Despite all the many difficulties and pains. What we saw was that all participants and the organizing team faced each severe challenge one after the other and through it all gained deeper levels of understanding and new self-confidence.

10th Anniversary of CHALLENGE TAIWAN
What an awe inspiring and extraordinary triathlete carnival!
THE BALANCE IN LIFE finding balance in your lifestyle

The daily training for a triathlon is dull and hard, but the moment you reach the finish line, every second of training has meaning. Giving your best effort is perfection. One day, you will look back with pride for the courage to fall and rise again, over and over again and be filled with the utmost respect and encouragement for yourself.

As a member of the Challenge Family, Artificer also holds dear the belief of "The Balance in Life". Triathlon is more than just a sport. Each competition is not only about personal breakthroughs, but also the pursuit of a different pace in a busy life. Taking a slower pace, experiencing both the physical and psychological changes, and learning to achieve balance with yourself, family, work, and life.


Since 2020, we have shared the joy and glory with the triathletes through the mineral label on the back of the finisher's jersey. This year, we have provided each competitor with CT co-branded limited edition balance mineral patches. The design of the patches integrates the three individual sports of a triathlon and the elements of a triathlete’s spirit which when applied during the race can symbolically accompany each competitor until they cross the finish line. Many participants expressed their love for the idea behind the designs.

In addition, we also unveiled the upcoming mineral supplements for the very first time at our booth. Sharing with everyone at the event, the balance of daily physical health needs and a burden-free lifestyle maintenance. We look forward to officially launching this new product as soon as possible to share with everyone.

THE BALANCE IN LIFE finding balance in your lifestyle

The daily training for a triathlon is dull and hard, but the moment you reach the finish line, every second of training has meaning. Giving your best effort is perfection. One day, you will look back with pride for the courage to fall and rise again, over and over again and be filled with the utmost respect and encouragement for yourself.

As a member of the Challenge Family, Artificer also holds dear the belief of "The Balance in Life". Triathlon is more than just a sport. Each competition is not only about personal breakthroughs, but also the pursuit of a different pace in a busy life. Taking a slower pace, experiencing both the physical and psychological changes, and learning to achieve balance with yourself, family, work, and life.

Natural Mineral Compound, Laying the Foundation for Health 

Since 2020, we have shared the joy and glory with the triathletes through the mineral label on the back of the finisher's jersey. This year, we have provided each competitor with CT co-branded limited edition balance mineral patches. The design of the patches integrates the three individual sports of a triathlon and the elements of a triathlete’s spirit which when applied during the race can symbolically accompany each competitor until they cross the finish line. Many participants expressed their love for the idea behind the designs.

In addition, we also unveiled the upcoming mineral supplements for the very first time at our booth. Sharing with everyone at the event, the balance of daily physical health needs and a burden-free lifestyle maintenance. We look forward to officially launching this new product as soon as possible to share with everyone.

Competitors Sharing Their Experience

Mr. Lin Challenge Taiwan 51.5K

I learned about this magical thing last year. I found that when it is applied to the muscles, the muscles feel as if there is an unlimited release of energy. After intense exercise, it seems that cramps are almost reduced to zero and I’m not as uncomfortable as before. So this has become a household item in our home. When our son injures himself from a sports injury at school, I quickly apply the patches and he recovers about 70% to 80% by the next day. The children call this a “magical thing”. I am really happy to know about such a magical patch, and I look forward to the special version for CT.

I feel that after using this, it really helps a lot and improves personal performance in sports! I am very happy to be able to experience this product again at CT this time and hope that I can improve myself in the competition. Through my own experiences, I also recommend it to my friends so that they can also experience such a great product together. We often say that good sports performance requires long-term training, but inevitably we also need to use some supplemental methods to improve sports performance!

Learn more

4/22 出發至台東,一整日的行程都很趕 早上卡儂集合,車子用一用準備出發 下午到了台東去領物資、吃飯 就回民宿準備休息等明天的比賽 (值得一提的是有一個物資「平衡貼」,真的很棒!) 4/23 一大早5:30就起床,去活水湖看夥伴游泳 接著回到森林公園等待準備下一個接力項目 Rocky的游泳1.9K這次很快,一下子就到Tom Tom也是很快的騎完90KM 到我的時候接近中午12:00,好熱真的熱 看到Tom回來真興奮,好想趕快跑完休息 晶片交接完後,我就跑了出去,告訴自己努力撐完,順順的跑,明天還有一天 前面都很順,5分速跑、6分速跑…. 真的越來越熱了,受不了了 每到一站補給站,我瘋狂的往自己身上澆水 嘗試著讓自己降溫,到了馬亨亨大道 不行了,我的腳沒力了、好熱、好想休息 第一次看到鐵人賽道上全部人用走的 時不時有人停下來拉筋、有人暈倒 我也有點想休息了⋯⋯ 最後,2小時46分完成第一天21K (但我同時也好累) 這裡要推薦Artificer,讓我在第一天比完21K的時候我的腳跟肩膀竟然沒有什麼事!! 真的很值得???????? 4/24 個人515來了! 賽前一直在擔心會不會比不完 真的不行我就放棄,不要比了 游泳1.5K 一開始出去被狂踢、猛打,根本沒辦法游 只能慢慢的等待空檔位置再加速 只能說這次真的很難游(一堆人打來打去) (44分鐘完成游泳) 自行車40K 自行車本來就想說順順騎完就好 加上前一天腳還在痠 所以我也沒有想要衝刺什麼的 這一次很順利的騎完,沒有抽筋???????? (1小時38分完成單車) 跑步10K 這一個我最痛苦,又要跑步 然後天氣又是這麼的熱,昨天的曬痕跟今天的三鐵衣都在摩擦 好痛苦….好不舒服 路線雖然知道怎麼跑,但想到昨天的路又要重跑一次就心累 每一站補給站我也是瘋狂灑水在身上 嘗試讓自己趕快降溫,有水我就喝 最後拖著疲憊的身軀回到終點 我真的好累???????? (1小時20完成跑步) 總之,我覺得很充實、也很累 好玩、也值得紀念 謝謝Challenge Taiwan 給了我們很棒的比賽 不管是物資、完賽禮、甚至每一站補給 我也完成了一項創舉 第一天跑21K+第二天個人51.5K 很瘋狂的挑戰,但還是完成了???? 謝謝我的兩位隊友 @shibeishow @shiau619 You are the best ! 也謝謝Artificer,提供給選手們這麼棒的體驗 也大大的提升了運動的表現!


Mr. Wu, Challenge Taiwan 51.5K


Mr. Huang Challenge Taiwan 113K

Ever since I learned about Balance patches by chance at a booth during a triathlon event a few years ago. I didn’t feel anything special when I tried them at the booth. But the next day during the race, I found that the soreness in my shoulders and neck that I usually get during cycling had disappeared. Now whenever I participate in any big or endurance events, I will definitely use it. Especially during the Twin Cities Cycling Challenge 360 Cycling Event, I applied the patches on my shoulders and neck, and also extended the use to my waist and back of the legs. Currently, it has completely replaced the function of muscle tape. Finally, Balance patches can definitely give us the greatest support during high-intensity exercise. Even in daily life, using Balance patches can relieve physical discomfort caused by pressures from work.

I think they’re so easy to use. Whether it’s the edible mineral magnesium or the sports bracelet, my sleep has improved dramatically! There are so many colors to choose from! I really like this kind of product very much. I hope more products can be launched and with more designs giving consumers even more choice. You can really feel the product working during competitions. It really slows down fatigue and lactic acid accumulation. Subtle designs pair well in daily life and does not cause skin sensitivity. , redness or itching... Post-race, it reduces the risk of injury. I sincerely recommend it to all triathletes! Very good product!


Miss Chang Challenge Taiwan 226K

有獎徵文 林雅婷

Miss Lin Challenge Taiwan 113K

It was my first time competing in Challenge at the 113K triathlon. Before the competition, the muscles near my knees were too tight due to running training, and I would feel a sharp pain from time to time. I was afraid that the pain would be aggravated during the race. Immediately after finishing the race, I applied a Balance patch on the sore area of my left leg. Unexpectedly, after a few days, the pain was significantly relieved. However, on my right leg, I forgot to apply the Balance patch, I felt obvious soreness, so I quickly applied some. The Balance patch has excellent stickiness, and it didn't fall off even after a week of application. I even went swimming during this time, and no skin sensitivity problems occurred. I have a great experience using it.

My left calf always hurt when I was training before the race. It would get better after a few days of rest, but the pain would come back after exercise. Due to my busy work and training schedule, I didn’t have time to go to the doctor for a check-up. I figured I’d go after the event. Before the race. I got the patches when I checked in for the race. I was worried that the pain in my left calf would affect me during the 113K competition, so I applied it to the painful area before going to bed. As a result, my foot did not hurt during the competition or after the race! What’s even more amazing is that my calf, which used to feel uncomfortable or even painful after every training, feels no pain after the intense 113K competition and it’s now the 5th day after the competition. The Balance patch is really amazing.

彭 01

Miss Yu Challenge Taiwan 113K

有獎徵文 彭慧潔

Miss Peng Challenge Taiwan 226K

The first time I came to know about Balance patches was at the 2021 CT Carnival. After checking in, I was wandering around the venue with sore muscle patches all over my body. I was noticed by the boss of Balance patches. He invited me to do a coordination test and then helped me apply some patches. I left the booth with the mindset that applying these couldn’t hurt so why not. When I went back to my room to rest in the evening, strangely enough, my hand that was feeling sore even when I raised it... was no longer sore. I immediately shared this news with my companions. She said, she felt no soreness either. So I applied all the Balance patches given in the 113K goodie bag on my body, and of course, successfully completed the race❤️ Back in Taipei, I bought Balance patches, bracelets and necklaces online. Whenever someone asks about the how I feel wearing the bracelet and necklaces, I say I don’t know, but because they look good, I just keep wearing them! This year, I signed up for CT226 again. My friends and I vigorously promoted Balance patches. I told everyone you have to visit the booth to try them out! This time the boss asked me how I felt after wearing the bracelet. I said, "Honestly, I don't know!" I returned to the B&B in the evening to prepare for 226 the next morning (I was applying balance patches all over my body). Suddenly I had a thought to switch the bracelet that I always wore on my left hand to my right hand, because my right hand was always sore and numb from cycling. The next day during the 180km cycling portion, something strange occurred, I started feeling the numbness in my left hand, more than my right hand???? After 17 hours finally passed, I returned to the B&B to freshen up, and the first thing I did was apply the Balance patch to my left hand! It turns out that not feeling anything does not mean that it’s not working, the product effects have been silently protecting my body❤️ Thank you, Balance patches, for accompanying me to complete my very first 226K❤️

For sports enthusiasts like us who are not professional and don’t have personal coaches guiding us before and after the races. Due to our lack of experience and know-how, it’s very difficult for us to adjust to our physical conditioning. Artificer’s Balance patches are an easy way to help the sports enthusiast use their bodies more effectively or can relieve local discomfort during and after exercise. The patches allows us to enjoy the process of training without worrying too much. Apply it to wherever you feel discomfort. It can also help with muscle control prior to competition.

有獎徵文 林靖凱

Mr. Lin Challenge Taiwan 51.5K


Mr. Lu Challenge Taiwan 226K

The first time I used Balance patches was at the triathlon event about two years ago. At that time, the staff at their booth gave me a coordination test using the product. The impact and immediate effects on coordination left a deep impression on me. That year, I participated in the 226km competition and having applied all of the Balance patches provided by the event, I completed the competition very successfully. At that time, I already knew the brand "Artificer" and their Balance patches. A year later, again at the triathlon event, I used the Balance patches provided by the event. Resulting in another successful finish like last time. This year, I also purchased the **Rhythm Sports Necklace** at the event. The main reason is that it feels very comfortable to wear for a long time and there is no discomfort. The elastic silicone material is very convenient to put on and take off. There are also a variety of colors to choose from. It is also very suitable for wearing in daily life. Currently, the black **Rhythm Sports Necklace**, whether it’s for daily life, running marathons or competing in triathlons, I will be wearing it. For important events, I will wear the necklace and also apply Balance patches. Ensuring that I can sustain a high level of coordination and stability for long and high intensity competitions.

Competitors Sharing Their Experience

Mr. Lin Challenge Taiwan 51.5K

I learned about this magical thing last year. I found that when it is applied to the muscles, the muscles feel as if there is an unlimited release of energy. After intense exercise, it seems that cramps are almost reduced to zero and I’m not as uncomfortable as before. So this has become a household item in our home. When our son injures himself from a sports injury at school, I quickly apply the patches and he recovers about 70% to 80% by the next day. The children call this a “magical thing”. I am really happy to know about such a magical patch, and I look forward to the special version for CT.


Mr. Wu, Challenge Taiwan 51.5K

I feel that after using this, it really helps a lot and improves personal performance in sports! I am very happy to be able to experience this product again at CT this time and hope that I can improve myself in the competition. Through my own experiences, I also recommend it to my friends so that they can also experience such a great product together. We often say that good sports performance requires long-term training, but inevitably we also need to use some supplemental methods to improve sports performance!

Learn more

4/22 出發至台東,一整日的行程都很趕 早上卡儂集合,車子用一用準備出發 下午到了台東去領物資、吃飯 就回民宿準備休息等明天的比賽 (值得一提的是有一個物資「平衡貼」,真的很棒!) 4/23 一大早5:30就起床,去活水湖看夥伴游泳 接著回到森林公園等待準備下一個接力項目 Rocky的游泳1.9K這次很快,一下子就到Tom Tom也是很快的騎完90KM 到我的時候接近中午12:00,好熱真的熱 看到Tom回來真興奮,好想趕快跑完休息 晶片交接完後,我就跑了出去,告訴自己努力撐完,順順的跑,明天還有一天 前面都很順,5分速跑、6分速跑…. 真的越來越熱了,受不了了 每到一站補給站,我瘋狂的往自己身上澆水 嘗試著讓自己降溫,到了馬亨亨大道 不行了,我的腳沒力了、好熱、好想休息 第一次看到鐵人賽道上全部人用走的 時不時有人停下來拉筋、有人暈倒 我也有點想休息了⋯⋯ 最後,2小時46分完成第一天21K (但我同時也好累) 這裡要推薦Artificer,讓我在第一天比完21K的時候我的腳跟肩膀竟然沒有什麼事!! 真的很值得???????? 4/24 個人515來了! 賽前一直在擔心會不會比不完 真的不行我就放棄,不要比了 游泳1.5K 一開始出去被狂踢、猛打,根本沒辦法游 只能慢慢的等待空檔位置再加速 只能說這次真的很難游(一堆人打來打去) (44分鐘完成游泳) 自行車40K 自行車本來就想說順順騎完就好 加上前一天腳還在痠 所以我也沒有想要衝刺什麼的 這一次很順利的騎完,沒有抽筋???????? (1小時38分完成單車) 跑步10K 這一個我最痛苦,又要跑步 然後天氣又是這麼的熱,昨天的曬痕跟今天的三鐵衣都在摩擦 好痛苦….好不舒服 路線雖然知道怎麼跑,但想到昨天的路又要重跑一次就心累 每一站補給站我也是瘋狂灑水在身上 嘗試讓自己趕快降溫,有水我就喝 最後拖著疲憊的身軀回到終點 我真的好累???????? (1小時20完成跑步) 總之,我覺得很充實、也很累 好玩、也值得紀念 謝謝Challenge Taiwan 給了我們很棒的比賽 不管是物資、完賽禮、甚至每一站補給 我也完成了一項創舉 第一天跑21K+第二天個人51.5K 很瘋狂的挑戰,但還是完成了???? 謝謝我的兩位隊友 @shibeishow @shiau619 You are the best ! 也謝謝Artificer,提供給選手們這麼棒的體驗 也大大的提升了運動的表現!


Mr. Huang Challenge Taiwan 113K

Ever since I learned about Balance patches by chance at a booth during a triathlon event a few years ago. I didn’t feel anything special when I tried them at the booth. But the next day during the race, I found that the soreness in my shoulders and neck that I usually get during cycling had disappeared. Now whenever I participate in any big or endurance events, I will definitely use it. Especially during the Twin Cities Cycling Challenge 360 Cycling Event, I applied the patches on my shoulders and neck, and also extended the use to my waist and back of the legs. Currently, it has completely replaced the function of muscle tape. Finally, Balance patches can definitely give us the greatest support during high-intensity exercise. Even in daily life, using Balance patches can relieve physical discomfort caused by pressures from work.


Miss Chang Challenge Taiwan 226K

I think they’re so easy to use. Whether it’s the edible mineral magnesium or the sports bracelet, my sleep has improved dramatically! There are so many colors to choose from! I really like this kind of product very much. I hope more products can be launched and with more designs giving consumers even more choice. You can really feel the product working during competitions. It really slows down fatigue and lactic acid accumulation. Subtle designs pair well in daily life and does not cause skin sensitivity. , redness or itching... Post-race, it reduces the risk of injury. I sincerely recommend it to all triathletes! Very good product!

有獎徵文 林雅婷

Miss Lin Challenge Taiwan 113K

It was my first time competing in Challenge at the 113K triathlon. Before the competition, the muscles near my knees were too tight due to running training, and I would feel a sharp pain from time to time. I was afraid that the pain would be aggravated during the race. Immediately after finishing the race, I applied a Balance patch on the sore area of my left leg. Unexpectedly, after a few days, the pain was significantly relieved. However, on my right leg, I forgot to apply the Balance patch, I felt obvious soreness, so I quickly applied some. The Balance patch has excellent stickiness, and it didn't fall off even after a week of application. I even went swimming during this time, and no skin sensitivity problems occurred. I have a great experience using it.

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Miss Yu Challenge Taiwan 113K

My left calf always hurt when I was training before the race. It would get better after a few days of rest, but the pain would come back after exercise. Due to my busy work and training schedule, I didn’t have time to go to the doctor for a check-up. I figured I’d go after the event. Before the race. I got the patches when I checked in for the race. I was worried that the pain in my left calf would affect me during the 113K competition, so I applied it to the painful area before going to bed. As a result, my foot did not hurt during the competition or after the race! What’s even more amazing is that my calf, which used to feel uncomfortable or even painful after every training, feels no pain after the intense 113K competition and it’s now the 5th day after the competition. The Balance patch is really amazing.

有獎徵文 彭慧潔

Miss Peng Challenge Taiwan 226K

The first time I came to know about Balance patches was at the 2021 CT Carnival. After checking in, I was wandering around the venue with sore muscle patches all over my body. I was noticed by the boss of Balance patches. He invited me to do a coordination test and then helped me apply some patches. I left the booth with the mindset that applying these couldn’t hurt so why not. When I went back to my room to rest in the evening, strangely enough, my hand that was feeling sore even when I raised it... was no longer sore. I immediately shared this news with my companions. She said, she felt no soreness either. So I applied all the Balance patches given in the 113K goodie bag on my body, and of course, successfully completed the race❤️ Back in Taipei, I bought Balance patches, bracelets and necklaces online. Whenever someone asks about the how I feel wearing the bracelet and necklaces, I say I don’t know, but because they look good, I just keep wearing them! This year, I signed up for CT226 again. My friends and I vigorously promoted Balance patches. I told everyone you have to visit the booth to try them out! This time the boss asked me how I felt after wearing the bracelet. I said, "Honestly, I don't know!" I returned to the B&B in the evening to prepare for 226 the next morning (I was applying balance patches all over my body). Suddenly I had a thought to switch the bracelet that I always wore on my left hand to my right hand, because my right hand was always sore and numb from cycling. The next day during the 180km cycling portion, something strange occurred, I started feeling the numbness in my left hand, more than my right hand???? After 17 hours finally passed, I returned to the B&B to freshen up, and the first thing I did was apply the Balance patch to my left hand! It turns out that not feeling anything does not mean that it’s not working, the product effects have been silently protecting my body❤️ Thank you, Balance patches, for accompanying me to complete my very first 226K❤️

有獎徵文 林靖凱

Mr. Lin Challenge Taiwan 51.5K

For sports enthusiasts like us who are not professional and don’t have personal coaches guiding us before and after the races. Due to our lack of experience and know-how, it’s very difficult for us to adjust to our physical conditioning. Artificer’s Balance patches are an easy way to help the sports enthusiast use their bodies more effectively or can relieve local discomfort during and after exercise. The patches allows us to enjoy the process of training without worrying too much. Apply it to wherever you feel discomfort. It can also help with muscle control prior to competition.


Mr. Lu Challenge Taiwan 226K

The first time I used Balance patches was at the triathlon event about two years ago. At that time, the staff at their booth gave me a coordination test using the product. The impact and immediate effects on coordination left a deep impression on me. That year, I participated in the 226km competition and having applied all of the Balance patches provided by the event, I completed the competition very successfully. At that time, I already knew the brand "Artificer" and their Balance patches. A year later, again at the triathlon event, I used the Balance patches provided by the event. Resulting in another successful finish like last time. This year, I also purchased the **Rhythm Sports Necklace** at the event. The main reason is that it feels very comfortable to wear for a long time and there is no discomfort. The elastic silicone material is very convenient to put on and take off. There are also a variety of colors to choose from. It is also very suitable for wearing in daily life. Currently, the black **Rhythm Sports Necklace**, whether it’s for daily life, running marathons or competing in triathlons, I will be wearing it. For important events, I will wear the necklace and also apply Balance patches. Ensuring that I can sustain a high level of coordination and stability for long and high intensity competitions.

 Challenge Taiwan X Artificer Accompanying you until the every end